Thursday, November 11, 2021


I mentioned a while ago that I had a studio in Liberty Village many moons ago before gentrification took the area over. This is a recent shot of the entrance to my studio. This small self-enclosed building had been the payroll office for the Toronto Carpet factory. The Factory occupied a whole city block and was made up of several large buildings enclosing an inner courtyard with smaller buildings including this one. I was there in a great time when the whole place was full of artists. Now entering this door takes you into a restaurant. I'll show you more tomorrow. 

Today is Remembrance Day in Canada when we remember the sacrifices of the many veterans who served for us. 


  1. ...I like the ornate entrance.

  2. It must have been wonderful to work there.

  3. It's a great looking building. I bet you enjoyed your time there.

  4. Hello,

    It is a pretty entrance and building. I hope the restaurant is doing well.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. An attractive entrance and a fine looking building.

  6. Yes, we got to enjoy some great times and spaces before gentrification! I send my respect and best wishes to all Canadians especially veterans

  7. It is Veterans Day here in the U.S. You had a great space for a studio. Sounds like the space became too costly to keep, but a restaurant is good to have in the neighborhood if the food is good.

  8. I imagine you have some fond memories. It certainly looks a lovely spot.

  9. This looks wonderful. Looking forward to seeing the inside.

  10. Looks very nice.Only those glued pilasters by the entrance detract from the whole. Must be a restaurant addition. Hope their food is of a better taste.
