Saturday, December 4, 2021

Bees In November

On the same sunny November day as I watched the butterfly which I showed last Saturday I was also watching a large number of bees who spent the afternoon flying back and forth from my Chrysanthemum to their hive. They spent the whole afternoon harvesting sweets from the flowers. There are just a few of them visible in this pic but it was hard to catch them as they were on the move so much. We have had snow since then so I imagine they are inside for the winter now.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see creatures from around the world.


  1. Hello,

    the bees must love your Mums, they look pretty. It does seem late in the season for seeing bees. Thank you for sharing your link and post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  2. They were indeed...busy bees! What a beautiful photo of them on your colorful mums!

  3. Seeing bees in November that far north is certainly a rarity. I'm glad you captured them.
    I just saw your comment on my sight. What a fantastic opportunity your partner had to learn from the master of glass blowing. When we entered that exhibit room on Wednesday evening, one of the guards told us that Chihuly was just been there a few minutes before us. We missed seeing him in person. It would be wonderful to own one of those beautiful pieces. They had a few for sale in the gift shop but as you might guess, they were well out of my price range.

  4. What a great shot, Pat. You captured those busy bees working hard.

  5. I just read an article that said insects have emotions, so these bees must be happy to have the sunshine and the sweet flowers.

  6. Nice yellow yellow picture of bees.

  7. They are very late in the year, making the most of every sunny day that's left.

  8. Guess they were filling their larders for the coming winter, Wise bees indeed.

  9. Yes I want these moments to remain!
