Friday, December 31, 2021

Heading Off Into A New Year

Another archive shot as we have no snow here now but I thought this was a perfect way to end this year. Let us all hope we are heading into a better year. Happy New Year's Eve to everyone!


  1. I like the tracks in the snow
    Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year!! I wish we had some decent snow, makes it look so much better!

  3. Great photo, no snow here.
    I wish you and your family all the best in 2022, a very happy and healthy New Year!

  4. I'm with you on that wish. I'm hoping for a much better year next year. Happy New Year!

  5. No snow here too but we got rain, does that count? Fabulous photos with those tracks. Best wishes to you, Pat for a happy and healthy 2022.

  6. Feliz Año Nuevo Pat. Que llegue mejor que el que dejamos y que podamos seguir caminando. Gracias por estar siempre.
    Abrazos 🤗

  7. Very apt photo Pat. I hope a wonderful year ahead for you

  8. Happy New Year Pat. I am looking forward to 2022 with a lot "hope" on my mind.

  9. Good shot. Hope it will be better this year.

  10. May we all be blessed with Happiness, Good Health, and many joyous moments all year long for all! Happy 2022!
