Wednesday, December 29, 2021

New Barber Shop

This is a fairly new barber shop that has opened in a space that had been a clothing store. Barber shops seem to be quite popular these days with lots of fancy techniques being used on men's hair. It was the black and white barber pole that attracted my attention here as I stood on a narrow sidewalk and avoided the heavy traffic behind me.

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Black and white alone is pretty rare on those.

  2. Yes, we have one in Perth, ON! You can buy beer, too. They are a bit vulgar, but that's just my opinion!

  3. I think the sign should be red & white,

  4. ...stark black and white are a trendy color combination these days. But miss the classic red and white barber's pole. Thanks for sharing, enjoy a safe and happy new year.

  5. Here too there seem to be more and more barber's shops!

  6. That black and white barber pole was the first thing I noticed about this place.

  7. The color on a barber's pole had meaning in mostly illiterate Midieval Europe. The red symbolized blood from blood letting, and the white symbolized the bandages used to bind up the wounds. In the U.S. blue was added to fill out patriotic colors. In your photo I see this pole as blue and white, but if you say it is black, that's fine.

  8. I've never seen a black and white barber pole before. Very unique and an excellent find, Pat.

  9. Interesting. Most Barber Shop poles are normally red, white and blue.

  10. Thank you! That's a nice street photograph. Pat

  11. Making everything black and white is the style right now. Quite a few like these around where I live.

  12. It is different from the usual barber shop poles.

  13. That sign is known real world wide .

  14. It is different but I like the black/white barber shop pole.
    I wish you and your family all the best in 2022, a very Happy New Year!

  15. Nice angle! Have a healthy and pleasant new year.
