Friday, March 4, 2022

12th Blog Birthday

Today marks 12 years since I started this blog and I have enjoyed every minute of it.  I love all my blogger friends and keeping track of what they are up to each day. Hopefully things will one day get back to 'normal' and I can get around the city more than I have been. Lots of new things to catch up on! So for this day I have chosen this shot of Casa Loma taken from the grounds of Spadina House as I trudged through inches of snow enjoying being outside.


  1. Happy Birthday, Blog. There can't be many people who have kept a blog going so long without missing a single day. Congratulations!

  2. Great fun it is. Congrats to 12 years of photo blogging.

  3. Congratulations on the anniversary! Here's to twelve more!

  4. Happy anniversary, very impressive indeed! I love how you framed this shot, it's a beauty.

  5. Happy blog anniversary! The view of the Casa is beautiful.

  6. Happy blogging anniversary. Good for you keeping it up. I do like seeing your photos. It is still winter, obviously.

  7. Congratulations and it's a very nice photo to celebrate. I hope you keep going for a long time yet.

  8. Congratulations!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Happy Birthday, a teenager is on the way :-)

  10. Congratulations on reaching this wonderful milestone. May more follow.

  11. So glad you take pleasure in being outside Pat!

  12. Fe🎉 Li 🍰 Ci 🥂 Da 🍾 Des. Y a seguir Pat.
    Que siempr gusta venir a verte.
    Un abrazo.

  13. Congratulations! It's been fun keeping up with blog folks.

  14. My 12th blog anniversary is tomorrow. I remembered that you started just a little before I did. I am impressed that you are able to post and comment so consistently. Well done! I have enjoyed seeing Toronto through your eyes.
