Friday, March 11, 2022

Going Uphill

I always like to see snow on top of the stonewall that surrounds Casa Loma and runs up the hill beside the stairs leading to its entrance. I thought I had better start using up my snow shots as it looks like we are hopefully nearing the end of winter. Although we can get huge blizzards in March!


  1. Just 90 miles north of here where my sister lives there was a blizzard just yesterday. It will probably all melt off today but she said it was snowing like crazy. We just had a lot of wind and dark skies.
    I love seeing the snow on to of that fence too.

  2. Can you believe way down here in the southern United States we have snow in tonight's forecast. Which means a drastic drop in temperature as today is short-sleeve shirt weather!

  3. Our eye follows that stone wall up the hill. Well composed photo.

  4. Me gustala foto, pero cuidadito con esa cuesta helada
    Un abrazo.

  5. Great capture and hopefully we are looking at spring on the way because Minnesota is very used to having big storms in March.

  6. I enjoyed that photograph very much
