Wednesday, March 9, 2022


I spotted this window just at the end of February just before all of the Valentine decorations came down That little sundress was so suitable for the occasion if not for our weather. I'll have to go back to see if the window is green for March. 

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. That's a pretty window and a pretty dress but I agree, a little out of season even for here in the desert.

  2. ...even Whyte changes colors with the seasons! That sundress sure isn't suited for today's weather here either. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Nice window with all those hearts.

  4. A lovely window perfect for the season. Also a good street shot.

  5. Pretty dress but it would only suit the weather here for about two days a year!

  6. Hello,
    The window heart decorations are pretty, I like that dress.
    Take care, have a great day!

  7. I bought a huge box of Cheerios in the grocery the other day even though many of them are shaped like hearts. I guess they were left over from V day too.

  8. I adore this window with the hearts and one floating dress! I've always thought it would be so fun to be a window dresser, I believe is the term. I think it's still a thing in big cities like New York as these days each store does their own thing.

  9. The dress really is impressive.

  10. That is a great Street photograph that says a lot
