Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Since 1944

The Avenue Diner has been at Avenue Rd & Davenport Rd since 1944 but I notice the building it is in has been sold and hope that that doesn't mean another condo is on the way.

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Another condo... that seems to be the way things go now of days.

  2. It's a shame when places that are full of character are replaced by bland modern buildings. I've noticed in England that the pubs are often the last thing to go when large redevelopments take place - the builders have got to have somewhere to get a pint!

  3. ...we have a number of places like this here in Rochester. I love the old style sign. Thanks for joining the party,

  4. Here's hoping The Avenue Diner can continue into the future. It has great character, and I hope good food.

  5. Hope it won't be a condo. They seem very popular up there in Toronto and other places.

  6. It would be a shame to lose a place that's been in business that long.

  7. It looks nicely retro - hope it survives.

  8. Maybe residents in the neighborhood can begin a campaign to save it.

  9. Too many condo buildings in this world

  10. Hello,
    I like the Diners, is another Condo building really needed.
    Take care, have a great day!

  11. I dig the street scene. Thank you
