Friday, April 1, 2022

April Theme: Symmetry

The April Theme for the City Daily Photo blog community is Symmetry and for this I chose this shot of a pair of semi- detached homes that I took recently in the Yorkville neighbourhood.  When I was researching the homes I found a shot of them taken a few years ago when one of them was for sale. There were no porch roofs in that shot so the 2 owners must have got together and had the additions done so that each half would be be identical. There are always cars parked on the street in this old part of the city.

Taking part in the April theme. Click HERE to see more examples of symmetry from around the world.


  1. Nice one. All they disagree about is the colour of the curtains!

  2. That house has symmetry in spades!

  3. Great example for the theme.

  4. Good photo for theme day. The house is perfectly symmetrical.

  5. There's lots of symmetry in this house. Some builder was thinking outside of the box when it was built.

  6. I quite like this one. Often, semi-detached have to share a front porch, or they are side by each.
    This is a little more private.

  7. This is perfect, and it's a lovely, quaint duplex I'm thinking right? It's just my kind of style too.

  8. Pretty homes, a lovely symmetry photo.
    Have a great day!

  9. Those porch roofs look like they've always been there. A sympathetic addition.

  10. A very cozy house and warm photograph. Very professional looking. Pat
