Saturday, April 16, 2022


This shot was taken in mid March when we still had some snow on the ground. I happened upon a sweet Red Squirrel who was munching on something he had found in the snow and I was getting ready to take a pic of him when this Black Squirrel came along and pushed him away and then proceeded to eat the treat. The little guy went up into a tree and nattered away for a while before heading off to look for food elsewhere. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Our squirrels are kind of brown, so your black ones are always interesting to see.
    Happy Easter!

  2. Hello,

    What a bully, I hope the Red Squirrel found some other food.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  3. I'm betting that nattering was full of squirrel expletives.

  4. Red and Black squirrels don't play well together, especially when food is involved. We only have gray squirrels around here.

  5. I never did like bullies. I feel bad for the one he ripped off.

  6. That is a real life soap opera! Nice picture Pat

  7. Well, I never! lol I hope they both found lots to eat!

  8. I wonder if it is also called a grey squirrel. Bullying of red by grey is a worldwide problem it seems.

  9. Hello, :=) Oh dear, what a big bully. Survival of the fittest,takes on a new meaning here. I hope the red squirrel found something else to eat.

  10. The black squirrel looks large. The red squirrels are around here all the time :)
