Saturday, April 30, 2022

Crying For Mum

There is a condo being built near my place and a large crane has been erected on the site. While walking by on Sunday I could hear loud baby bird calls coming from above and looked up to see these two young Red-tailed Hawks crying out and flapping their wings looking for Mum. I've seen them up there again during the week. Haven't seen the parents but they are probably close by.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see creatures from around the world.


  1. Great Hawk photos!
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. It is amazing what bird life you see when you live high up. Love your hawk photo. Yes, parents will be close by.

  3. These young Hawks will have to sharpen their flying and hunting skills. Good to see your fine photo of these Red-Tailed Hawks, well seen and photographed. We can wish them well.

  4. Thats a sturdy tree that can disappear in a moment but youth has stil much too Lear. Nice to see.

  5. Wonderful capture of the young hawks.

  6. I hope they are flying the skies right now. They looks so sweet up there.

  7. Hawks grow up so fast; one day they're mewling babies, the next they're deadly hunters.

  8. No estarĂ¡ muy lejos. Me gusta la foto.
    Buen fin de semana Pat.
    Un abrazo.

  9. Nice photo. I don’t think I’ve ever seen juvenile hawks.

  10. So cool that this happens in an urban environment amidst the construction.

  11. what an awesome moment to capture!!
