Thursday, April 14, 2022

Posh Stables

All of this structure is the stables of Casa Loma. It is just as detailed and full of decoration as the Casa itself. I have not been through the whole place but have toured the area where the horses lived and it is quite elegant with mahogany used for the stalls and beautiful tiled floors. I did not venture through the tunnel which runs several hundreds of feet to the Casa.


  1. Wow, that is quite a building. It's so elegant and HUGE.

  2. The ornate architectural style was for the enjoyment of the people, not the horses, but I am sure the horses were well cared for here. I'll bet there have not been horses here in the past century.

  3. Very impressive and beautiful.

  4. Those are some pretty fancy stables! Remember them well.

  5. It is also a bit disneyland by the look of it.
