Wednesday, May 4, 2022


I must admit that I like funky places much better than posh ones and loved the look of this tiny coffee place. It was taken on Easter Sunday morning when everything was closed but I bet it is busy most of the time. Looking through the door it is only about 6 ft wide but had a nice assortment of imported Italian foodstuffs as well as cool espresso machines. 

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  1. Coffee shops are not just about the drink, but about the social interaction and community they generate. I look forward to warmer weather when we can sit outside with our cup.

  2. I am looking forward to warmer weather so I can sit outdoor on the patio.

  3. Sounds like you need to check this place out when it's open. I don't drink coffee but those Italian foodstuffs sound tempting.

  4. A place I would definitely like to experience a good coffee.

  5. ...since I'm not a coffee drinker, I'm always amazed by the number of coffee spots!

  6. Oh yes, the small places tend to be personally run as opposed to the mandates of chain owners.

  7. You can make a little oasis in a tight spot.

  8. And a lot of piping too. Yes coffee needs a lot of electricity and water.

  9. Tiny but looks very welcoming. I like the outdoor area :)

  10. Hello,
    I agree, these little places are more my type too.
    I love a good cup of coffee. Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. I agree this is a cool place!
