Sunday, May 15, 2022

More Changes

This shot was taken just down the street from the little house that I showed you on Friday. These properties had been occupied by an assortment of small factories that had been turned into artist studios and workshops for cabinetmakers.  It was of the more creative areas in the city. The studios are all gone and replaced by yet more condos. It never ends.


  1. I expect you are as puzzled about who fills all these apartment buildings as I am about who fills ours.

  2. Condo developers have neither a conscience or a soul.

  3. More condos. Are they really that popular?

  4. It seems there can never be too many condos. Hopefully they all end up occupied and not sit empty. Take care, have a happy new week!

  5. A bit too much wide-angle for my poor eyes. And the condos, not sure.

  6. And so the city grows by pushing things to the outside of town.

  7. I wonder how you feel about all the changes. I know that SW Florida is also rapidly changing, but most of the changes down there are leveling small houses from the 1950s to put big and expensive new houses on the same lot. Yes, we have some condos and some high-rise buildings, but much more of the change is from old and small single family houses to new and huge single family houses.

  8. Just like here in Minnesota, they're always redoing something. Now in Michigan where I lived, not so much. I can go back and things haven't changed all that much.
