Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Yorkville Again

Another wander around the Yorkville neighbourhood was a good thing on a sunny day a few weeks ago. I love these two houses but could find no info on them. The little yellow one on the left is certainly tucked away. They were probably built in the late 1800s.


  1. Yorkville has a wonderful supply of Victorian brick houses, and this one is a gem. Also like the light and shadows in your photo.

  2. They are charming, and the smaller one on the left I was wondering if it was attached or separate?

  3. That one in front is gorgeous. I love the look of it.

  4. The way the big one's windows are reflecting makes it look like a false front that you can see right through!

  5. Beautiful. Oh, it must be lovely to be high up (do you call it second or third floor, we call it third) when it´s raining. I had my room in my parent´s house there, always enjoyed the sound.

  6. Beautiful homes, is the little one attached?

    Take care, have a great day!
