Friday, June 10, 2022

An Older Neighbourhood

This shot is from a neighbourhood older than the one in yesterday's post and you can easily see the difference in the tree canopy. It is a lot cooler in these areas in the heat of summer. The big wind storm of 2 weeks ago did some pruning but Toronto escaped the severe damage that other areas of the province received.


  1. I grew up on a street that looked a lot like this. I loved the way the trees looked.

  2. Hello,

    The trees are so nice for the shade they provide. They do keep the electric company busy having to prune them. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  3. Yes, the larger trees do make the neighborhood cooler, and look better also. Our big wind storm of three weeks ago took out hundreds of trees in our town. I lost four from my front yard. Still clean up going on.

  4. I love these leafier parts of town - though I feel sorry for the trees who have to grow surrounded by concrete.

  5. Indeed a very nice street with all that green.

  6. Oh this looks like a lovely place to walk about!
