Friday, July 1, 2022

July Theme:Transparent

The July theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is "Transparent". I found this one hard and then as I walked along Bloor St during the exotic car show I spotted all the people eating at Eataly in a space hanging over the sidewalk with a small glass wall keeping them safe. They are open and visible to the world but still behind glass.

Taking part in the theme Transparent. Click HERE to see more examples from around the world.


  1. A great street photo, and you hit the theme perfectly.

  2. Excellent shot and perfect for the theme

  3. Love that store but it gets way too crowded!

  4. It's a perfect theme photo and a great looking place to eat. Happy Canada Day!

  5. Interesting! Looks like a place where I would like to eat

  6. Looks a good spot. I prefer eating outside in these Covid times, so this looks like a good compromise - both in and out!

  7. Nice find. Hope its not to hot up there.

  8. Hello,
    It looks like a fun place to eat! Have a happy day!

  9. Oh goodness thanks, I think I could try to post one for City Daily Photo as it's just the 2nd today! Although you're right it's a bit tricky to come up with one.

  10. I think Bob is trying to make the themes "interesting" but instead accomplishes "hard." I just checked and saw only 11 participants.
