Thursday, August 18, 2022

August Yellow

 Black Eyed Susans are a common sight here in August and luckily they are fairly drought resistant as we have had little rain this summer. This healthy patch was spotted in James Gardens where they receive a bit of watering from the irrigation system in the park. I love to see the bright yellow flowers glowing in the sunshine.


  1. I've even see a lot of these here. They are such happy looking flowers.

  2. Beautiful flowers in this healthy patch.

  3. Great flowers. Very strangely they didn’t take in our garden, but I dont know why. Echinacea has done very well.

  4. Very nice Pat. When there's a lot of them together like this, they are beautiful sight.

  5. Hello,
    The Black-eyed Susans are lovely, they are Maryland's state flower.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. Well if that's not a nice greeting then I don't know what is.
