Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Fill It Up Please

It was the retro look of the man in this sign that attracted my attention. It turns out that Saponetti is an eco-friendly soap refill company. They use no plastics and refill your glass containers when they are empty either delivering them or filling them when you bring them in. They offer all kinds of soaps for dishwashers, laundry etc. What a great idea.

Taking part in Signs2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Wish we had that here!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Oh yes, I like this idea very much.

  3. Love the sign. It looks like it is from the 1930s. What a great idea for eco friendly soap products.

  4. Blast from the past. It is rare to see a guy wearing a cap and a bowtie.

  5. important idea these days.

  6. Great idea, that sounds like a good shop.
    Here we saw one where you can bring your own container, all local, eco, blablabla and saw they get the same as the big supermarkets, unpack and put it in wooden shelves. That was years ago, I hope they came to their minds. Were expensive, too.

  7. Hello,

    I like the sign, what a neat idea. Take care, have a happy day!

  8. Seems sensible and like it would be a viable business model everywhere.

  9. Yes this is a coming thing and I'm glad. I'll give you a little tip. A little joy or other good dish soap is good for most anything including laundry. Just don't use too much. Try a squirt and see. You'll save a fortune and a mess carrying all that laundry detergent around
