Sunday, August 7, 2022

Sunday Fun

I had never seen a portable badminton net like this one but it is perfect for setting up a game in the park. The net is attached to a loop of metal and balances on the ground with a weight in the middle to hold it down. This couple was set up on the grounds of Spadina House.


  1. Badminton can be fun, if the weather is not too hot. Looks like a good time in the park.

  2. Badminton is fun, I have never seen a set up like this. It is nice and portable. Take care, have a happy new week!

  3. I guess there is always a solution. Now, about the wind.

  4. Much better than Candy Crush!

  5. This brought back a flood of childhood memories. My parents used to set up a badminton net in one of our parks and we would all play together. Of course, we didn't have a fancy net like this one. We had to tie ours to the trees.

  6. That's a novel and ingenious set-up. I don't think I've played badminton for over 50 years: I wasn't much good at it then and I doubt I've improved since!

  7. Sounds like something you could easily carry in a bag and play.

  8. Thank you for sharing this pleasant post
