Saturday, September 10, 2022


 I spotted this Dragonfly resting on one of my tomato plants. I had time to go for my camera and come back for some shots before it finally flew off.  I think it is a female Common Green Darner. It is the first time I have ever managed a shot of a dragonfly.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Beautiful dragonfly, your tomato looks good too.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  2. Very nice macro of the dragonfly.

  3. Apparently, I need dragon flies and not busy bees.

  4. Oh wow, great shot. I love seeing these big-eyed insects. They are fascinating.
    PS: those tomatoes look fabulous.

  5. RedPat, I have just recently become more aware of Dragonflies, and I am impressed with your fine photo of this one. I may learn something about the various kinds of Dragonflies.

  6. Nice of her to stop by and check out your garden. PS: Their life span is only about five weeks.

  7. I feel your pain Pat. I'm generally ok taking pictures of birds but dragonflies is technique I'm yet to master. Lenses come into it too.

  8. Well done! The tomatoes, too. All I managed were cherry tomatoes!

  9. They are so fun to shoot, right? If they are resting, you have lots of time to play with the shot and angles. The wings are so intricate. Great capture!

  10. Bien pillada la libélula.Buena captura.
    Un abrazo.
