Sunday, September 18, 2022

Some Welcome Shade

 This is a shot of one section of Yorkville Park which is a small park just off Bloor St. The park is heavily used and this section gives a bit of shade and a place to sit for a while and rest up after shopping in all the high end stores in the area. Not every person was on a phone.


  1. Looks like a nice spot, the shade is welcome on a hot day.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

  2. We all can use some shadow on a hot day. Nice.

  3. It's not easy to find a group of people sitting quietly without looking at their phones.

  4. I can barely see the backlit side of the leaves even. The sun must be so intense to lighten up the opposing sides of the leaves. Everyone is ducking for cover too

  5. It must be a beautiful place if not everybody was on their phone, lol. It's a shame people are not present to nature and to others

  6. Looks like a welcoming park. I can see why it is heavily used.

  7. What a great place to reflect and enjoy nature and that gorgeous day!
