Sunday, October 16, 2022

Bending A Rail

When I visited the open house at the TTC yards a few weeks ago they took us through all the buildings and showed us all of the wonderful machinery they have for keeping out streetcars, buses, and subways rolling. This machine was really fascinating as it used large strong rollers to bend straight streetcar rails  into nice curves for the cars to turn corners. You can see one of the bent ones off to the right.


  1. That's something I would not have thought of.

  2. Done without heat. Most interesting.

  3. I would have thought they’d need heat to do that, but it doesn’t look like it.

  4. Wow, the things we never think of. It's incredible that someone came up with the idea to create a machine that could do this type of work. Thanks for sharing, Pat.

  5. That's pretty incredible. It would be interesting to see it working.

  6. What a wonderful industrial machine. Love seeing your photo of it.

  7. Wow, that is an impressive machine.
    Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  8. This is so interesting. I have never seen this being done before

  9. A fascinating insight into how the world works.
