Sunday, October 30, 2022

Busy At The Market

It is a busy time of year at the many farmers' markets that take place all over the city. The apple harvest is a big draw as well as the many types of squash and pumpkins.


  1. Our markets are done for the season! I miss them.

  2. Hello
    The farmers markets are very popular. We had some apple and fall festivals, back in the beginning of October. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a wonderful week!

  3. Me gusta visitarlos. Se compra buena fruta en ellos.
    Buen domingo Pat.
    Un abrazo.

  4. I love shopping at Farmers Markets, but ours is closed for the season. Have to wait until late next spring.

  5. Our markets are shut down here in the tundra just to the east of you. I 🤓

  6. I'd be there for sure. You reminded me of something I miss from my childhood in Illinois this time of year. Apple cider. There was a huge orchard just outside of Quincy and every year they opened a farm stand and you could bring your own jug and fill it up with fresh apple cider. I've never found anything that comes close here in the southwest.

  7. I love farmers markets. Ours is mobile and comes on Thursdays.

  8. Our main one stays open in winter, but there will be fewer vendors, and it moves indoors.

  9. Farmers markets are great. It oozes the local vibe. Energy is also great!
