Friday, October 7, 2022

Colourful Playground

I really liked the colours used on this playground equipment in a small parkette in the Annex neighbourhood. It all looks so safety conscious as well. It makes you wonder how we all survived our childhood on metal equipment and with no padding on the ground.


  1. How are slide rides Pat? ۜ\(סּںסּَ )/ۜ

  2. This playground seems to be aimed at serving young children and their parents. These places are fine additions to neighborhoods with children.

  3. Hello,
    I like these colors too, looks like a fun playground.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  4. Oh yes, I like those colors too. You made me chuckle about our childhoods. We were a sturdy bunch of youngsters back when.

  5. Very colourful indeed. It reminds of when I feel off a slide and knocked myself out. Was it not safe for me or was it me just being a kid. :)

  6. The playground uses interesting colour choices for sure. The arrangement is kind of special too

  7. Yes please take me to the playground!

  8. Yes, I like those bright modern colors! Now if only our politics could catch up with the 21st century as well! I actually have an optimistic feeling. Things that are dying thrash around a lot and I think militarism and hate are thrashing around an awful lot. We've got this. Our children will be building the better world as we tried to do. Best wishes to you my friend
