Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Do Not Distract

 When I was at the open house for the TTC (our transit company) they toured us through all the maintenance and refurbishing areas and this particular space contained huge sanders and saws of many different kinds. I loved the Danger sign warning people not to distract the operator. A good one don't you think?

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. It's a wood shop with all the power tools. Best to keep the operators focused on their tasks. Good sign, well spotted.

  2. That is very good advice in a place like this.

  3. ...I'm surprised that the public is allowed in that area.

  4. I expect it's important not to distract the operator of that type of equipment.

  5. There must be more than one operator. Great advice to be hanging on a sign so everyone can notice it.

  6. Oh that's neat. Thanks for showing it to us!

  7. That would have been an interesting tour! Love the sign...
