Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Dream Chamber

 There are a lot of Sorel Etrog sculptures around the city but it has been a while since I have shown one. This one, called Dream Chamber, was spotted along University Ave by the Mount Sinai Hospital. It was done in 1976 and is on loan to the hospital. To me it resembles a head which would indeed be a dream chamber. Click the label below to see some more of Etrog's work I have posted.


  1. This is a fine looking sculpture. It looks like it is installed in a gallery.

  2. It makes me think of the complex dreams we have from time to time. They go in all different directions.

  3. Hello,
    I can see a head too, interesting sculpture and title.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. What a nice sculpture with an interesting name.

  5. I used to work in Mount Sinai hospital in New York. So that name triggers some memory of mine!

  6. It is very well done, a dream chamber is a very nice thought, too!

  7. Looks great and also a bit like an embrace. Nice sculpture.

  8. I agree, that's what it looks like to me also.
