Saturday, November 19, 2022

Hanging In There

The squirrels have continued their antics in the Maple trees by my deck but they have eaten all the keys that were easy to get to so now have to change techniques to get at the ones on the ends of the branches. They are such great acrobats. If you look closely you can see that this one is using only one foot to hang on. Imagine eating upside down! 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Hello,
    The squirrels are great acrobats, cute capture of this cutie hanging upside down. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  2. We have some of their acrobatic grey squirrels here in Florida! lol Cute photo of this neat critter!

  3. Squirrels are such fun to watch. You have caught this one doing amazing acrobatics.

  4. Yikes, hanging on by one foot! It seems they will do whatever it takes to get to the tasty bits.

  5. This guy should joint the circus.

  6. They just love these kinds of moves!

  7. They have a bag of tricks for every move they need to make and are fun to watch.

  8. You wonder how they can be so agile.

  9. awesome capture!! they are clever critters, they know winter is coming!!

  10. yeah, gonna hang in there with all these inflation

  11. Good caption with this photo.

  12. I really enjoy seeing them. With their black tufts on their ears. Come to think of it. We have no squirrels in Hawaii. But I remember the eastern grays of course

  13. Great acrobats for sure. It's a shame someone hasn't learnt how to train a troupe for a circus act.

  14. No problems here. Squirrels are the masters of trees.

  15. Hello :=)
    Ha ha, the Squirrel capture is great. They are so agile and must have great strength in their
    legs to hold on with just one. I have even seen one hanging by its tail.
    All the best.
