Friday, November 11, 2022

In Memory

Today is Remembrance Day in Canada when we pay tribute to all those who have given up their lives for us all. This wonderful cross memorial is found in the veterans area of Prospect Cemetery. The inscription is quite worn but it reads " To the Memory of those who in the Great War Died for King & Country 1914-1919". The surrounding area has hundreds of graves of men who died too young in battle. Lest we forget.


  1. It is a beautiful memorial. It is Veteran's Day here too, God bless our veterans. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  2. Remembrance Day in Canada, and Veteran's Day here in the U.S. Both countries nearly lost a generation in the World Wars. One might think we had learned how terrible war is to not repeat these errors, but Russia has forgotten these lessons.

  3. We are remembering down here too. It's Veterans Day. We should never forget.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "Lest we forget" I have a sachet of poppies a friend presented me with for ANZAC day.
    It´s a bit disturbing to read "great" war as in school Germans learn "great" means "wonderful"... at least I did.
    Wish I hope we all could live in peace and respect.

  6. Here we call it Veterans Day. A beautiful memorial.

  7. We should never forget and always remember those who sacrificed their lives s people could have freedom.

  8. Thank you Pat. It's good to remember our heroes and to protect what they bequeathed to us

  9. The statue is well photographed with solemn atmosphere. Lest we forget

  10. Its a very sharp memorial by the look of it.
