Saturday, November 26, 2022

Just Floating Around

I went by James Gardens to see how the ducks were doing and they all seemed to be gathered at one end of the pond just leisurely floating around. They didn't pay any attention to me as if they knew I wasn't there to feed them. All was very peaceful. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I am seeing more and more of them not fly south this year.

  2. Isn't a group of ducks called a "float"?

  3. It looks like a family reunion in progress.

  4. What a group, probaby discussing why you didn't bring food. :)

  5. They are very beautiful and fun to see.

  6. showed up empty handed?

  7. Looks like there are more male then female ducks.

  8. Tranquila reuniĆ³n en el lago. Se ven felices.
    Buen domingo Pat.
    Un abrazo.

  9. Those look like happy ducks. They have plenty of liquid water and food to eat. Life is obviously good for these ducks.

  10. Birds are cleverer than we may think. Those Mallards will recognise the people who feed them and also know the ones who don't.

  11. Always so fun to see the duck people! We have them in Waikiki too. Wild ducks occasionally raise their young in the water features of buildings!

  12. I grew up always seeing Mallards in the water at a city park, and your photo reminded me of that, right down to the stones along the edge of the bank.

  13. Hello,
    Nice capture of the ducks, they found a happy spot.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.
