Saturday, November 5, 2022


 I was wandering around Prospect Cemetery when I heard a squirrel nattering away at me. It was up in a very tall Silver Maple tree and when I looked up it ran into this hole in the tree and seconds later was peeking out at me, still nattering away.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I hope the squirrel was not using bad words. 【ツ】

  2. What a cute shot of the squirrel, it looks like it has a nice home for the winter. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Cutie time again and a good one it is.

  4. Your squirrels are so much prettier than our dull gray squirrels! What a ham! lol

  5. This black squirrel posed so nicely for his portrait. Great shot. We don't have black squirrels here.

  6. How cute. He was probably not happy that you were walking about in his hunting field.

  7. How cute, what a great caputure!

  8. That's beautiful. Love the black squirrels. It seems to have the perfect nest area in there.

  9. Hello :=)
    Squirrels are ungrateful, cheeky, and rude, but so cute we forgive them. They tell me off even when I feed them. I don't see black squirrels where I live, only red. This one has found a good place to spend the winter, but didn't like your intrusion into its space, selfish adorable creature. :=)

  10. Is this the famous Black Squirrel? Wish we had 20 degrees Pat.

  11. So innocent it looks. Cute popping its head out of a tree hole.

  12. That is such a fabulous photo! And you had the alacrity to see it and shoot it. I really love that Pat. Thank you!

  13. What a cute photo. Made me smile.
