Tuesday, December 27, 2022

An Empty Pond

I went by the pond in James Gardens to see how the ducks were doing in the cold weather and was surprised to find no ducks there at all. Usually they are there all winter as the pond never totally freezes over. I assume they must have found a nicer feeding place for now.


  1. Obviously the ducks know when it is time to leave, but your photo shows the quiet solitude of winter.

  2. The mere at my local nature reserve was similarly deserted yesterday, which is equally unusual. Lets hope normality soon returns on both sides of the ocean.

  3. I hope they did find a better place. I've been hearing how bad your weather has been on the news lately. The pictures from Buffalo New York have been awful.

  4. Hope the ducks come back after all the stormy weather moves on. Very pretty photo with the snow covered bridge.

  5. Hello,
    The scene is pretty, too bad the ducks were missing.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. Perhaps carers have temporarily taken them to a safe place

  7. It is just too cold for ducks to stay

  8. It's a photo that reflects something I heard someone say recently: that the Christmas season is a poignant time of year, as we are reminded of all those who've passed on and can't enjoy the joyfulness of Christmas. It's a very nice photo, though. Don't get me wrong.

  9. Looks a bit like the nature park in my area.
