Wednesday, December 14, 2022

High Variety

When I first saw this shop I thought it was a very tidy variety store especially with the 'high variety' lettering up beside its name but it turns out that it is just another cannabis shop joining the many others that are open here. I think I can walk to at least 6 of them in under 5 minutes from my place. 

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. This shop looks like a Mom and Pop grocery store. Legal cannabis was on our Midterm election, but failed here, so no legal cannabis. States that have it have seen their income rise.

  2. Same here! They are everywhere.
    Your comment about my deer on today's post made me smile. You are so right, it would look great decorating Poirot's flat.

  3. Cannabis store? Gosh, we don't have them here. 'Superette' made me smile. Surely a contradiction in terms?

  4. Who knew after reading the sign on the building. Cloudia's comment made me laugh, it's a great name. :)

  5. Hello,
    I thought it was a neighborhood grocery store. Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. ...superette is a name from the past.

  7. It does not look like a high variety store but a general grocery store

  8. Yeah, I never would have guessed. :-)

  9. It seems to me that there are to many cannabis shops.
