Friday, December 16, 2022

The Return Of The Santa Claus Parade

Our Santa Claus Parade returned a few weeks ago after being a virtual event for the last couple of years. I have a tradition of going down early on the morning of the parade to get up close to the floats and so set off on a cold & windy day. Mother Goose is the leading float each year but this year she had yet to have her wings attached and so I didn't get a shot of her. I'll start instead with the delightful Snoopy & Charlie Brown as they skated among the Christmas decorations. When the parade was underway they were spinning around as the float moved along. I'll show you some more floats in the days ahead.


  1. Glad to hear the parade is on again and I love Snoopy. He's a masterful skater!

  2. Looks like a fun parade. I am looking forward to seeing more from this parade. Good old Charlie Brown.

  3. Charlie Brown and Snoppy are always fun to see. :)

  4. Hello,

    Charlie Brown and Snoopy are two of my favorite characters!
    I am glad the parades are happening again, fun times.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  5. The parade will look gorgeous. Love the design of this one

  6. I've never heard of such a parade taking place here, though there may well be one, somewhere. It looks like a colourful event.

  7. Oh, that sounds like fun! We have nothing like that!

  8. You get to enjoy the big-time parade. Small town parades are fin too, though.

  9. Thank you for sharing these. Feel good posts with us at holiday time. Pat

  10. Charlie and Snoopy two of my favorite characters!
