Monday, February 20, 2023

Playing With Blocks

This large mural was spotted on the side of a house that faces Dundas St. The large figures playing with blocks are by Elicser but there are also credits for Media H, Sight, & Jax.Eve. This location seems to have a rotating mural most of them done by Elicser.

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. I have always liked Elicser's art work. Well worth travelling to see it.

  2. I wonder if the bottom part was painted by another artist, two different styles. I do prefer the top part :)
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.

  3. This is fun! I'd like to join them at play.

  4. RedPat, you found a wonderful mural. It fits the building so well.

  5. Nice mural. It looks like they are working on a puzzle.

  6. What a cool mural, love it. Have a great new week!

  7. This reminds me of tetras game on the phone lol

  8. Playing with building blocks - one of my favourite occupations as a child. Come to think of it I'd still readily join in the game with any child who would let me.

  9. Beautiful mural. Hats off to the artist.

  10. This mural fits the building so well, but I like the people playing with the blocks better than the writing at the bottom.

  11. A great mural! Must be fun to come home to this.
