Monday, March 6, 2023

Let Love Rain Down

I love this door which was spotted at the side entrance to a building on St Clair Ave. The whole wall was covered with those colourful drops of rain but it was also hidden behind many garbage bins and cars. The door itself was the star of the wall. 

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. This is great. I love the sentiment. It's beautifully done.

  2. A great find Pat. The yellow door really is the star, but the colourful raindrops are very nice. Thanks for participating in Monday murals.

  3. Wwow, what a fantastic find. I love the bright yellow door and colourful raindrops.

  4. Yeah I dig that. Fantastic yellow!

  5. What a unique doorway. The umbrella seems to be doing its job.

  6. I love the contrast of the dark building with the colorful raindrops and the very bright and cheerful door with the darling umbrella. Always a shame when cars and trash containers get in the way of a great mural.

  7. To be the star of the wall is something.

  8. Guapo mural con una gran frase.
    Un abrazo.

  9. This is awesome and I'm betting the creator is quite the artist in other ways too!
