Wednesday, March 1, 2023

March Theme: Comfort Food

 The March theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is Comfort Food and I chose this pic of my Pancake Tuesday dinner as my example. Pancakes with maple syrup, veggie sausages, and a nice glass of Chardonnay fits the bill for me.

Taking part in the theme Comfort Food. Click HERE to see more great food from around the world.


  1. That looks very tempting. My grandmother always made us pancakes when she was babysitting us as children. She was a wise woman - we always fell asleep afterwards and she got some peace!

  2. Love blueberry pancakes!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. Blueberry pancakes are the very best. I haven't had pancakes for dinner in ages. I need to do that soon. It sounds so good.

  4. YUM, blueberry pancakes are a great comfort food.
    Have a great day!

  5. Yes, I do love blueberry pancakes. Perfect for shot for the theme today.

  6. Interesting to see pancakes with sausages.

  7. Blueberry pancakes are the best. Wonderful photo for the theme.

  8. ...most Sundays, I make blueberry pancakes for breakfast.

  9. That just looks gorgeous. Great desert!

  10. I just made blueberry muffins. Due to a couple of mistakes I made in the process, they were pretty much a disaster. But they taste wonderful, regardless. But I will NOT be posting any pictures of them! :(
