Saturday, April 15, 2023

He's Back

Robbie is back with us again and hanging out around the roof deck. I'm sure it is the same Robin we have seen for the last few years since he keeps the same schedule every day. He drops by several times during the day for a drink and then around 6 pm he comes by for a long bath where he really gets soaked before spending a few minutes grooming all the feathers. It has been nice to see him. Sorry that he is a bit out of focus.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Welcome back Robbie! They are sweet, I've been listening to one singing here this morning. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  2. He's a beauty. I wonder if he spent some time in Phoenix over the winter. He might have been traveling with that large group of robins I found a few months ago.

  3. So fine that your have Robbie to come visit you every day. He must feel welcome at your house. Our Robin have been back for a couple weeks, and they had to put up with snow for much of that time.

  4. Stops by to visit a friend, how nice.

  5. The Robins and Redwings have returned east of Toronto.

  6. Ours have also returned. It’s a joy to see them bathe.

  7. such a joy when we see them return!! ours did not leave this year, i saw them all winter...perhaps because it was so mild!!

  8. It is wonderful to have birds come by to visit! Lately we have had sparrows come to our outer rail to sing.

  9. Marking your home as its territory

  10. So nice to see and hear all the birds again!

  11. I haven't seen a robin yet this spring but I know that they are here.

  12. Hello:=)
    It's so nice that your Robin pays you a visit twice a day. Your American Robins are very attractive,

  13. Glad to see the Robin is back. It's a beauty.
