Monday, April 10, 2023

Reggae Lane

This mural marks the entrance to Reggae Lane which is found running behind the businesses in Little Jamaica along Eglinton Ave near Oakwood Ave. It is a very vibrant area that has been under stress for several years as a result of the construction of a LRT line along Eglinton but it still survives. There are many barber shops, shops and restaurants catering to the Jamaican Canadian community. The artist for this one is Adrian Hayles. There are always cars parked here so the bottom is blocked a bit.

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. This is a mural featuring community pride. It is one everyone can be proud to see.

  2. A very beautiful mural for this area. I bet you can get some great food in this area.

  3. By sheer coincidence "Reggae Got Soul" by Toots and the Maytals has just been playing on my stereo. That's a great mural. Reggae is almost as international as Irish music - and long may it continue.

  4. The mural is amazing, very nice.

  5. My brother is a huge reggae fan. and played in a few bands for quite a few years, so I kinda like the music as well. Nice mural it is.

  6. Great mural. The new art of our times.

  7. Great mural. And "interesting" memories of a visit to Jamaica. To sunshine (that we have right now, if it being cold...).

  8. Guapo muy guapo mural.
    Un abrazo.
