Monday, July 17, 2023

A Graphic Explosion

I watched the artist working on this mural in the Annex neighbourhood for a couple of weeks. The first week of work we seemed to get rain spurts every day which must have slowed him down a lot. Finally a week later it was done. I love the graphic style of it and the scattered bits of colour he has put at the edges of the wall. The artist is Mediah, aka Evond Blake.

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. I looked through my posts as his work looked familiar and learned I had two others by him.

  2. This mural certainly brightens an otherwise boring wall. The shapes are suggestive of many things. Would be interesting to talk to the artist. Good find, RedPat.

  3. This is very nicely done and as you said, very graphic.

  4. That is a very nice and well done mural.

  5. This looks like some sort of machine on the wall

  6. Should I know what this is? In any case, it is well executed.

  7. Yes, I like it a lot. Also. Thanks for the back story Pat. Aloha

  8. Looks like some sort of aircraft? Nicely done, very modern and I also like the bits of blue scattered on the far walls. Thanks for participating for Monday Murals Pat.

  9. Whatever it's supposed to be, it certainly fits well on that wall. Like Sami, I also feel it looks like an aircraft.

  10. I'd enjoy seeing it as I passed by but wouldn't want it on my wall.

  11. Great looking graphic mural.
    Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  12. An exploding mural. Very nice.
