Saturday, July 1, 2023

Feathered Friends

I was driving through a residential neighbourhood when out of the corner of my eye I spotted chickens poking around in a side yard of a house, and not a big yard at all. I stopped and went back to visit them and saw that they have a nice little shelter with a food dispenser and another water machine for them too. Since the first time I saw them I have seen them out a few times. It seems that they probably have a shelter on the other side of the house and only come out to this part of the yard on nice days. It is lovely to see them. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Interesting to see chickens in town. Our town does not allow chickens.

  2. Hello,
    Not sure why, but I always like seeing the chickens walking around.
    They are cute, great photo.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  3. Looks like they have a nice place to live! They sure are pretty!

  4. I know some people who keep chickens in their yard. They have fresh eggs all the time.

  5. It is lovely to see them. Pat. Thank you for sharing that bit of sunshine with us. And I hope you have a beautiful Canada day!

  6. So great to see free roaming chickens!

  7. Chickens like to be out and about too. Good capture, Pat.

  8. Good to see them. Here, we'd be afraid of foxes taking them.

  9. The energy is always high with them around

  10. They are indeed lovely but sometimes we wish that the rooster starts crowing a little later or takes a vacation.

  11. Hello sweet, feathered friends!
