Saturday, July 8, 2023

Hello There

There are still litters of young squirrels running amok over everything that gets in their way. They have so much energy! This grey one comes from a litter of 4 and it is the only grey one, the others all being black. I have been watching their antics for a few weeks now and really enjoying it.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. So cute!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Just like human little kids, always getting into trouble. I bet they are lots of fun to watch.

  3. Hello,
    I am sure they all look cute running all around. Great shot.
    I wish we saw the black squirrels here.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  4. Very cute and probably very playful too. :)

  5. One or two in my back garden. Very energetic they are.

  6. You have obviously enjoying these young squirrels' antics. They are funny animals with great gymnastic abilities.

  7. Oh that's fabulous! It is so wonderful to have animals near Pat

  8. They sure can entertain you, running around! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. You captured it very well. They are so cute.

  10. I had one that started sheltering during the night in the roofspace of my loft last winter. Not ideal because they can chew on the electrical fittings. I duly blocked up the hole by which they were entering. I was then awakened at 2am by a very annoyed squirrel sitting on the porch roof and swearing vigorously at finding his plans thwarted!

  11. Aha cutie time again. How nice.

  12. Simpática foto Pat. Me encanta.
    Un abrazo.
