Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Neighbourhood Scenes

An artist in the Seaton Village neighbourhood has installed a lightbox in her front garden where she installs dioramas that deal with thought-provoking themes such as climate change, food insecurity, etc. She hopes this starts discussions between parents and children. The artist is Martha Davis.

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. ...Diorama Dramas! She should run out of subject matter.

  2. That's a very clever way to start some conversations. I went to see the Barbie movie last weekend, that one started a lot of conversations too. I enjoyed the movie and the conversations.

  3. Hello,
    Interesting way to explore the big issues, conversation is always good.
    Take care, have a great day!

  4. What a wonderful diorama, very cool indeed.

  5. Yeah salutes to that artist! Aloha friend

  6. A good looking diorama with a bicycle theme. I hope the artist is successful at getting the neighborhood to discuss these issues.

  7. This is quite heartwarming and delicate.

  8. Great project. Could you make it zoom-able?

  9. Nice idea and the viewer has to understand what is going on. In this case I have a bit trouble but something about not using fuel.
