Friday, August 4, 2023

Retro Interior

This is the interior of yesterday's '55 BelAir. They sure don't make them like this anymore. Look at that great steering wheel. I was surprised to see that the car had an automatic transmission which was a bit of a disappointment.


  1. Hello,

    That is a bright red interior. Take care, have a happy day and happy weekend!

  2. My aunt had one of these cars, it was black with white wall tires.

  3. Great looking interior. My Grandmother had a 1955 Chevy, but it was a plane Jane model. As a teenager I drove her from Florida to Thomasville, Georgia. The car ran great.

  4. My parents had a similar model and it was automatic too which was a real luxury back in those days. That interior is gorgeous.

  5. They don't make them as striking as that nowadays. What glorious colour.

  6. The interior reminds me of a room where ladies might entertain gentlemen for a small favour.

  7. Very, very beautiful.
    Wonder what clothes the people wore back then. What goes well with a red car?

  8. Es precioso.Todo se moderniza amiga.
    Un abrazo.
