Friday, August 11, 2023

Subway Above Ground

This is one from my archives showing one of our older subway trains running along a section of the route which runs above ground. Although the vast majority of the subway route is underground there are a few sections on each line which emerge into the daylight for a short run. This train was seen along the Yonge St line.


  1. Hello,
    Neat view of the train and the skyscrapers in the distance.
    Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  2. I am familiar with one section near the west end that does so.

  3. Just like in London. Some of those lines emerge out of their tunnels in some places.

  4. Good capture of the train above ground.

  5. emerge into the daylight! Yes, there's something very interesting about that that you capture well with this post. Thank you friend. I'm wishing you a beautiful weekend

  6. Curious how the track opposite looks less used.

  7. It is looking rustic with history!

  8. I love subways. I've ridden them in New York, London, Paris and Munich and I think they're great!

  9. Great picure of the train with the city in the background. In my uni days I lived in the outskirts of London - most of the "underground" there is actually overground.

  10. Great composition showing the city skyscrapers in the distance.
