Monday, August 28, 2023

They Are Everywhere

I go by this mural fairly often but it is a busy intersection and I have never stopped for a shot. Recently I was stopped at a red light and took this pic through a cleanish windshield. The roadway heads under a railway track off to the right and the whole support structure has been taken over by pigeons and their nests. Netting has been put up but the pigeons pull it down. So far they are winning.

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. A mural with pigeons, that's unusual. Quite quirky :) Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.

  2. Hello,
    I like this pigeon mural. It is interesting the pigeons are able to pull down the netting. Have a wonderful week!

  3. That is a wonderful mural. Pigeons seem to enjoy living in cities. Perhaps there are fewer predators in cities? Good to see the pigeons winning.

  4. Score one for the pigeons! This is a perfect mural for this spot.

  5. I like the mural. It is clever. However, I used to have a pigeon problem over the garage of a home I once owned and I can assure you, the pigeons are going to win.

  6. Nice mural and it probably makes the pigeons happy. :)

  7. One always cheers for the animals in a situation. Aloha, Pat

  8. Well done. Yes, pigeons are here everywhere, too. A pest...

  9. The irony must surely have been deliberate. :-)

  10. And also on the mural by the look of it. Nice.

  11. Cool. I like the pigeon theme.

  12. A pretty bird. Nicer color than most pigeons, although they look fine in their own way
