Thursday, September 28, 2023

Musical Friends

 I was wandering around on a Sunday morning when I heard lovely music coming from a tiny parkette. As I got closer I spotted this trio of friends having a good time playing together. I'm not sure if it is a regular thing but they were well organized and had brought a music stand and  a couple of chairs along so as to be nicely arranged. It was a lovely thing to see and hear.


  1. ...jamming with friends, looks like fun.

  2. Nice to come across this group, great photo, Pat.

  3. An unexpected concert in the park, such a lucky find.

  4. Always wonderful to hear home made music. What a great thing to find in the park. I'll bet you stayed to listen for a while.

  5. Nice photo. Acoustic music is no doubt nicer than the amplified stuff people tend to inflict on us locally.

  6. Great photo, it is nice that the friends get together to enjoy playing music together. Take care, have a great day!

  7. The musical community is a funny lot. I met a few through my ex in the past.

  8. What a wonderful gathering to run into!

  9. So nice when you can play with friends and good enough to make fine sounding music. Nice photo.
