Friday, September 1, 2023

September Theme: Bottle

The September theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is Bottle and for this I offer this beautiful bottle of wine. It was given to me recently by a friend and I have yet to try it but love the Monarch Butterflies all over the label. The wine is from Pelee Island which is an island in Lake Erie and is the southernmost place in Canada. In the autumn thousands of Monarchs stop there during there migration to the warm south.

 Taking part in the theme Bottle. Click HERE to see more bottles from around the world.


  1. Oh wow, what a beautiful bottle that is. I had not heard of this wine before but I'm glad they honor the mighty monarch.

  2. I imagine Pelee is full of life right now.

  3. What a good looking bottle, love the label.

  4. That is a nice modern wine label. I like it. Pat, Aloha!

  5. That is a wonderful label on that bottle. I see it has a screw cap. More good wines are using screw caps these days as cork is going out of favor.

  6. That's a gorgeous label! Bet what's inside is yummy.

  7. The packaging is looking very good

  8. Does a label help sell a bottle of wine? In my case, very much yes and this is a very attractive label.

  9. Wow what a great label. Hope the wine taste like the bottle looks.A bit aggressive with a gentle toutch.

  10. Hello,
    It is a pretty label, I have heard of Pelee Island.
    Take care, have a great day!
