Sunday, January 28, 2024

At Home

 A couple of weeks ago I showed a poster for a show at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) featuring the work of Keith Haring and several people were unfamiliar with him. I love his work and own this great one courtesy of Ikea who had reproduced several of his pieces years ago. And you get to see my vintage pink flamingo from the 50s.


  1. Interesting piece of art, I like your pink flamingo.
    Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

  2. Great work and it is remarkable that his style is so easy recognizable.That is only for the greatest artists.

  3. This is great Pat! I love Keith Haring too. I can't remember where but someplace along the way I saw a complete set of dishes featuring his artwork. You know how I love dishes. They were hard to resist.

  4. Interesting crocodile logo and flamingo art

  5. Not sure why but pink flamingos make me think of Las Vegas. There was a large Haring exhibition here a few years ago and I really liked his work. There is also a protected mural of his here too.

  6. I'm privileged to remember when all of the crawling and dancing babies showed up all over New York as graffiti! Eventually it was known: this new artist, Keith Haring. He will never be forgotten

  7. Nice! Haring’s work is not always this attractive. It’s always interesting though.
