Friday, January 12, 2024

Dull Days

 This shot was taken on January 5 and shows what a dull winter we have been having so far with only a couple days of sunshine and a couple of mornings with a bit of snow. The snow may have changed things by the time this gets published since I post a few days in advance.


  1. A time to rest and dream about Spring!

  2. We had similar conditions, but snow on the ground now.

  3. Looks familiar. It's been cold and cloudy here lately too. We had some rain yesterday and lots of wind. I'm hoping for something a bit warmer sometime soon.

  4. You are lucky to have enough warmth to still have running water. Looks like late fall.

  5. Aha! A time traveler! (To be honest, I usually prepare The Friday Funnies on Thursday and schedule it to post automatically while I am sleeping.) Looks like you may get some snow tonight.

  6. Thank you for sharing this contemplative photo. Pat, I wish you sunshine. Aloha

  7. The creek doesn't look miserable at all.

  8. It is a pretty scene even on a dull day.
    Take care, have a great weekend.

  9. It doesn't look like that today, even in TO, I bet.

  10. Oh my gosh it's been like that around here too, although today we had some sunshine! Finally.
